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Avances en el nexo entre agua, aire y salud

18 y 19 de octubre de 2024
UCR Palm Desert Campus

Agenda del sábado

19 de octubre

Sesión de agua

Viernes, 9:00 AM
Moderador: Tim Lyons

  • Antecedentes del balance hídrico pasado y proyectado

  • Composición del agua y relaciones químicas

  • Ecología de los microbiomas del mar Salton

  • Composición del sedimento

Tim Lyons
UCR Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Kurt Schwabe
UCR School of Public Policy

9:15-9:35 Water balance in the short and long term

Hoori Ajami
UCR Department of Environmental Sciences

9:15-9:35 Water balance in the short and long term

Caroline Hung
UCR Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

9:35-9:55 Water column nutrients, oxygen, and sulfur relationships

Linton Freund
UCR Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology

9:55-10:15 Microbial ecology and ecosystem health of the Salton Sea

Charlie Diamond
UCR Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

10:15-10:25 Sediment composition: metals, pesticides, and herbicides

Sesión aérea

Viernes, 11:00 AM
Moderador: Will Porter

  • Fuentes y composición de las partículas en suspensión en el mar Salton

  • Factores que impulsan los fenómenos de viento y polvo en el mar Salton

  • Importancia de los mecanismos de rociado de lagos y mares

  • Relación entre las fuentes de polvo y los efectos sobre la salud

  • Beneficios de la filtración del aire interior

Will Porter
UCR Department of Environmental Sciences

Source-specific health impacts of Salton Sea particulates

Indoor air filtration as an effective PM exposure intervention

Mohammad Sowlat
South Coast AQMD

11:05-11:25 Physico-chemical Characterization of Dust: A Comprehensive Study of Particulate Matter in the Environmental Justice Community of Eastern Coachella Valley

Amato Evan
Scripps Institute of Oceanography/UC San Diego

11:25-11:45 Dust Storms in Southeastern California: Current Insights and Future Challenges

Raymond Leibensperger
Scripps Institute of Oceanography/UC San Diego

11:45-12:05 Mechanisms and Impacts of Lake and Sea Spray Aerosols

Sesión de salud

Viernes, 2:00 PM
Moderadora: Emma Aronson

  • Perspectivas centradas en el paciente sobre el medio ambiente y el asma infantil

  • Impactos de la inmunidad al polvo

  • El microbioma del pulmón de polvo

  • El agua de mar y el polvo afectan al microbioma y la salud

Emma Aronson
UCR Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology

Sea water and dust impacts on microbiome and health

Ann Cheney

UCR School of Medicine

2:05-2:25 Patient-centered perspectives on environment and childhood asthma

Conchita Pozar
Community Investigator

2:05-2:25 Patient-centered perspectives on environment and childhood asthma

Keziyah Yisrael
UCR School of Medicine

2:25-2:50 Salton Sea dust bacterial toxins induce severe inflammation

Talyssa Topacio
UCR Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology

2:50-3:10 Dust lung microbiome impacts

Discurso inaugural del viernes

Viernes, 3:45 PM

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia
36th California Assembly District

Discurso inaugural del viernes

Viernes, 4:00 PM

  • Presentaciones breves de un minuto seguidas de una sesión de carteles preparada por el equipo.

  1. Thomas Hile, Loma Linda University Health
    Microbial contamination of drinking water from water- dispensers in the Eastern Coachella Valley, California

  2. Nathan White, Agess, Inc
    Salton Sea and Laguna Salada Restoration

  3. Gev Geshgian, University of Pennsylvania, Mobile Stat Clinic
    Occupational Health Hazards and Surveillance Recommendations

  4. Isabel Jorgensen, University of Waterloo
    Who owns the desert lakes of the American West?

  5. Michael Davidson, ChucaoTech US
    The efficacy of Nano bubble technology to mitigate eutrophication and high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds of the Salton Sea

  6. Keilani Bonis-Ericksen and Camila Bautista, National Audubon Society
    Assessing Suitability for Public Access at the Salton Sea

  7. Rick A. Reynolds, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
    Improving Capabilities for Satellite Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Salton Sea

  8. Aydee Palomino, Alianza Coachella Valley, Brown University, Loma Linda University, UCLA
    Salton Sea Communities' Knowledge and Perspectives about Hydrogen Sulfide to Seek Solutions and Answer Research Gaps

  9. Miranda Vega-Redeaux, University of California Riverside
    Agua es Vida: Tap water quality and geochemistry in Polanco communities in Coachella Valley

  10. Mohammad Sowlat, South Coast AQMD
    Physico-Chemical Characterization of Dust: A Comprehensive Study of Particulate Matter (PM) in the Environmental Justice (EJ) Community of Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV)

  11. Samantha Sanborn, U.S. Geological Survey
    Characterization of well depth by well type in the Salton Sea Watershed

  12. Jena Herbst, UC San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    Lake Spray Aerosols- A Potential Source for Climate and Human Health Concerns

  13. Tom Sephton, Sephton Water Technology, Inc.
    Salton Sea VTE-MED Pilot with Geothermal Waste Steam

De la ciencia a la política

Sábado, 9:15 AM

  • Perspectivas y perspectivas sobre el proceso de la ciencia a la política

Barry Wallerstein
UCR School of Public Policy

Conferencia magistral del sábado

Sábado, 9:30 AM

Congressman Raul Ruiz
California's 25th Congressional District

Política y planificación

Sábado, 9:45 AM
Moderador: Michael Cohen

  • Perspectivas sobre el proceso que lleva de la ciencia a la política

  • Mesa redonda sobre las necesidades de políticas y planificación

Michael Cohen
Pacific Institute

Scott Epstein
South Coast AQMD

Ryan Kelley
Imperial County Board of Supervisors

Silvia Paz
Alianza Coachella Valley


Samantha Arthur
California Natural Resources Agency

Jessica Neuwerth
Colorado River Board

Necesidades de la comunidad

Sábado, 11:30 AM
Moderadora: Laurel Firestone

  • Perspectivas de la comunidad sobre descubrimientos recientes y prioridades de investigación necesarias

  • Resultados de los esfuerzos de investigación con participación de la comunidad

Laurel Firestone
State Water Resources Control Board

Evon Willhoff
California Natural Resources Agency

V. Manual Perez
Riverside County Fourth District Supervisor

Eric Reyes
Los Amigos de la Comunidad

Aydee Palomino
Alianza Coachella Valley

Krystal Otworth
Leadership Counsel

Proyectos y Desarrollo

Sábado, 2:00 PM
Moderador: Jeremy Brooks

  • Actualizaciones sobre las acciones estatales y locales relacionadas con el Mar Salton

  • Plan Maestro del Valle del Litio

Jeremy Brooks
Bureau of Reclamation

Mario Llanos
California Natural Resources Agency

Melinda Dorin
California Department of Water Resources

Jessica Humes
Imperial Irrigation District

Camila Bautista
Audubon Society

Patrick O'Dowd
Salton Sea Authority

Aelna Sakamoto
Army Corps of Engineers

Matthew Valerio


Sábado, 3:45 PM
Moderador: Tim Bradley

  • La importancia ecológica del Mar Salton

  • Nuevas redes alimentarias

  • Aves residentes y migratorias

  • Pez cachorrito del desierto en peligro de extinción

  • Humedales emergentes

Tim Bradley
UC Irvine

Razia Shafique-Sabir
US Fish and Wildlife

Brett Daniels
California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Dan Orr
Audubon Society

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